
日期:2017-03-27 14:21:35

1. 专业分析浮游植物细胞,同时具备传统流式细胞仪经典功能1.jpg
2. 可以扫描记录各种光学信号(散射、荧光)的动态变化
3. 可实现高频、原位分析水体微生物群落及优势种变化
4. 可在完整的藻类粒径谱范围内对生物量进行线性评估
5. 可直接分析大尺寸范围的浮游藻类、团体结构,可现场分析微囊藻群体结构变化
6. 可调式PMT可根据检测粒径大小调节检测器灵敏度
7. 流动成像技术可对感兴趣感兴趣的聚群进行圈门设定后专门拍照
8. 脉冲信号指纹图谱技术,圈门直观方便,更真实反应细胞形态
9. 水下测量(CytoSub)可在整个真光层分析浮游植物动态
10. 可整合入浮标中或其它载体上进行在线监测,可配合CTD对水体做剖面测量


光学参数:      前向散射FWS、侧向散射SWS,荧光散射FLR、 FLY、 FLO
形态参数:      能同时获得包括细胞和颗粒形态物理特性(数量、长度、大小、形态、粒度、色素、峰数等)、群体特征、脉冲图谱等在内的9个拓扑学指标及最少45组参数


1. 海洋生态学与淡水生态学

2. 流域监测与管理

3. 海洋学与湖沼学

4. 有害藻华(HABs)预警

5. 微藻生物技术

6. 河流、水库、湖泊、海洋的监测与管理

7. 监测与管理

8. 水源地、水厂、污水处理厂的水质监测

9. 富营养化研究

10. 藻类环境生物学

11. 水产养殖




流式细胞仪分析主机:相干高质量连续固态激光器,标配波长488nm, 可选波长445nm、635nm、640nm、660nm等,最多可配置7个检测器(检测通道含FWS L+R、SWS、YF、RF、OF)。
批量处理数据分析软件EasyClus : 需购买MatLab软件配合使用


      便携式浮游植物流式细胞仪                   Easyclus 粒径分布图                      Easyclus 散点图

主机:浅水版Cytosub (水下20米),含CytoSense所有基本配置

注意:野外在线监测时不仅仅限于以浮标作为平台,其他平台也可,只要可以具备放置CytoSense的空间及供电即可。同时,增加Bacterial staining module,可实现水体异养微生物自动染色和在线分析,可在线检测藻类、细菌、浮游动物及沉积物等颗粒。具体信息请来电咨询。


                       CytoBuoy 浮体




主机:台式机CytoSense是防溅水设计,可以在野外使用,但不能水下使用。CytoSense加上一个水下模块(SUB MODULE)就组成了水下式流式细胞仪CytoSub。
水下模块:一个耐受200 m水深压力的防水外壳,阀门和进样环路部分(包括循环泵),电子控制单元,数采,水下连接器和支架。

cytosub 主机.jpg7.jpg

               Cytosub 主机                         CytoSense CytoSub 转换








                           CytoSense 检测对象

产地:荷兰 CytoBuoy

数据来源: Cytometry ,  Goolge scholar等,截至2016年,共收集相关文献近100篇。

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2.       Goran Bakalar & Vinko Tomas, Possibility of Using Flow Cytometry in the Treated Ballast Water Quality Detection, Pomorski zbornik 51 (2016), 43-55

3.       Quan Zhou, Wei Chen, al e: A flow cytometer based protocol for quantitative analysis of bloom-forming cyanobacteria (Microcystis) in lake sediments, Journal of Environmental Sciences 2012, 24(9) 1709–1716

4.       A. Mansour, I. Leblond al.e: Invited Paper: Wireless Sensor Networks for Ecosystem Monitoring & Port Surveillance. (WSCN 2013)

5.       Endymion D. Cooper , Bastian Bentlage al e: Metatranscriptome profiling of a harmful algal bloom.Harmful Algea 37(2014)75-83.

6.       SERGIO A. COELHO-SOUZA, FÁBIO V. ARAÚJO al e: Bacterial and Archaeal Communities Variability Associated with Upwelling and Anthropogenic Pressures in the Protection Area of Arraial do Cabo (Cabo Frio region - RJ). Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências (2015) 87(3):1737-1750

7.    Malkassian, A., D. Nerini, al. e: Functional analysis and classification of phytoplankton based on data from an automated flow cytometer. Cytometry Part A 2011, 94A:263-275.  [Cytosense]

8.    Thyssen, M., B. Beker, al. e: Phytoplankton distribution during two contrasted summers in a Mediterranean harbour: combining automated submersible flow cytometry with conventional techniques. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 2011, 173:1-16. 

9.    Thyssen, M., Denis M: Temporal and Spatial High-Frequency Monitoring of Phytoplankton by Automated Flow Cytometry and Pulse-Shape Analysis. Springer Netherlands 2011:293-298. 

10.   Vidoudez, C., J. C. Nejstgaard, al. e: Dynamics of Dissolved and Particulate Polyunsaturated Aldehydes in Mesocosms Inoculated with Different Densities of the Diatom Skeletonema marinoi. Marine Drugs 2011, 9: 345-358. 

11.   Hansen, B. W., H. H. Jakobsen, al. e: Swimming behavior and prey retention of the polychaete larvae Polydora ciliata. Journal of Experimental Biology 2010:3237-3246. 

12.   Pereira GC, Figuiredo ARd, Jabor PM, Ebecken1 NFF: Assessing the ecological status of plankton in Anjos Bay: a flowcytometry approach. Biogeosciences Discuss 2010, 7:6243–6264.  [cytobuoy]

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14.   Donk V, E., Cerbin S, al e: The effect of a mixotrophic chrysophyte on toxic and colony-forming cyanobacteria. Freshwater Biology 2009, 54:1843-1855. 

15.   Pereira, C. G, Granato A, al. e: Virioplankton Abundance in Trophic Gradients of an Upwelling Field. Brazilian Journal of Microbiology 2009, 40:857-865.  [CytoBuoy]

16.   Thyssen, M., Mathieu D, al. e: Short-term variation of phytoplankton assemblages in Mediterranean coastal waters recorded with an automated submerged flow cytometer. J Plankton Res 2008, 30:1027-1040.  [Cytosub]

17.   Thyssen, T. M, Garcia N, al. e: Sub meso scale phytoplankton distribution in the north east Atlantic surface waters determined with an automated flow cytometer. Biogeosciences Discuss 2008, 5:2471-2503.  [Cytosub]

18.   Dubelaar, J. GB, Casotti R, al. e: Phytoplankton and their analysis by flow cytometry. Flow Cytometry with Plant Cells 2007:287-322.  [CytoBuoy]

19.   Takabayashi, M., Lew K, al e: The effect of nutrient availability and temperature on chain length of the diatom, Skeletonema costatum. J Plankton Res 2006, 28:831-840.  [CytoSense]

20.   Takabayashi, M., Wilkerson FP, al. e: Response Of Glutamine Synthetase Gene Transcription And Enzyme Activity To External Nitrogen Sources In The Diatom Skeletonema Costatum (Bacillariophyceae). J Phycol 2005, 41:84-94.  [Cytobuoy]

21.   Dubelaar, J. GB, Geerders PJF: Innovative technologies to monitor plankton dynamics. Sea Technol 2004, 45:15-21.  [CytoSub]

22.   Dubelaar, J. GB, Geerders PJF, al. e: High frequency monitoring reveals phytoplankton dynamics. J Environ Monit 2004, 6:946-952.  [Cytosense]

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25.   Dubelaar, J. GB, Jonker RR: Flow cytometry as a tool for the study of phytoplankton. Scientia Marina 2000, 64.  [CytoBuoy]

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29.   Wilkins, F. M, Boddy L, al e: Identification of Phytoplankton from Flow Cytometry Data by Using Radial Basis Function Neural Networks." Appl Environ Microbiol 1999, 65:4404-4410. 

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